Crutch Walking
Walking (Touch-Down-Weight Bearing):
- Put the crutches forward about one step’s length.
- Put the injured left forward; level with the crutch tips.
- Touch the front of the foot of the involved limb to the floor, do not bear weight into the foot, but bear the weight of the body on your crutches.
- Take a step through with the uninjured leg.
Walking (Partial-Weight Bearing):
- Put the crutches forward about one-step’s length.
- Put the injured leg forward; level with the crutch tips.
- Bear some of the weight on the injured leg according to your instructions, and bear the remainder of your weight on crutches.
- Take a step through with the uninjured leg.
Walking (Full-Weight bearing and weight-bearing as tolerated):
- Follow the same sequence as partial-weight bearing except you can bear the weight of the body through the injured leg, assisting with the crutches as needed.
Walking with one crutch:
- Put the injured leg forward with the crutch held on the uninjured side (opposite)
- Bear weight on the injured leg and assisted with the crutch as needed.
- Step through with the uninjured leg.
- Use one crutch and the stair rail if present ( only if the railing is stable and there is someone to carry the other crutch).
- Use two crutches if there is no stair rail.
- It does not matter which side the stair rail is on.
- If both crutches can be held in one hand safely, you can use both crutches on one side and the railing on the other.
Up Stair:
- Hold onto the rail with one hand and the crutch with other hand ( or both crutches if no rail).
- Push down on the stair rail and the crutch(es) and step up with the uninjured leg.
- Bring the injured leg and the crutches up beside the uninjured leg.
- Remember, the uninjured leg goes up first and the crutches move with the injured leg.
Down Stairs:
- Walk to the edge of the stairs.
- Place the injured leg and the crutches down on the step below; support weight by leaning on the crutch(es) and the stair rail.
- Bring the uninjured leg down.
- With your weight supported by the crutches and injured leg, step down with the uninjured leg.
- Remember the injured leg goes down first and the crutches move with the injured leg.
If you have questions, you can call (213) 765-8088 COMSI’s consultants will be happy to answer to all of your questions and concerns.